Lim Gang Le - Project Portfolio Page


ModTracker is a desktop app for NUS students to track the time spent as well as tasks to do for each of their modules. It helps students to prioritise their work and balance their time spent amongst their modules. This app uses a Command Line Interface (CLI).

Summary of Contributions

This section details my contributions in this project. The detailed contributions can be found in subsequent sections.

Code Contributed

All the code contributed by me in this project can be found here

Enhancements Implemented

The main features that I worked on for this project are the viewing functions. They allow users to view their input data presented nicely in a table format. These data consists of week number, module code, actual time spent and expected workload. (Pull request #8)

As for the feature enhancements, I made the analyse feature. It provides a breakdown of actual time spent in the week and a visual comparison between actual and expected workload. Analysis of the amount of time spent by the user, and some relevant advice is also shown. (Pull request #67)

Contributions to User Guide

I contributed to the program features by adding the details of the list and analyse features (Section 2.5, 2.6) in the user guide. (Pull request #105, #133)

Contributions to the Developer Guide

I contributed to the use cases and Appendix (Section 6.3 and 7) part of the developer guide. I added the implementations of the view modules (Section 4.6) and Breakdown and analysis (Section 4.7) features. I also added two sequence diagrams under these implementations. (Pull request #77, #83, #136)

Contributions to Team-based Tasks

I set up the project repository and reviewed my teammates' codes. Moreover, I also conducted intensive testing on our app before the trial TP to find out as many hidden bugs as possible. I also helped to fix issues in my team's code and documentation.

Contributions Beyond the Project Team

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