Developer Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up, Getting Started
     2.1 Setting up the project in your local machine
     2.2 Before writing the code
  3. Design
     3.1 Architecture
     3.2 UI component
     3.3 Parser component
     3.4 Model component
     3.5 Storage component
  4. Implementation
     4.1 Store Data
     4.2 Add Module
     4.3 Add Time
     4.4 Minus Time
     4.5 Edit Time
     4.6 View modules
     4.7 Breakdown and analysis
     4.8 Add Task
     4.9 Mark Task as Done
  5. Documentation, logging, testing, dev-ops
  6. Appendix: Requirements
     6.1 Product Scope
     6.2 User Stories
     6.3 Use Cases
     6.4 Non-Functional Requirements
     6.5 Glossary
  7. Appendix: Instructions for Manual Testing

1. Introduction

ModTracker is a desktop app for NUS students to track the time spent as well as tasks to do for each of their modules. It helps students prioritise their work and balance their time spent amongst their modules. This app uses a Command Line Interface (CLI) and is written in Java 11.

2. Setting Up, Getting Started

2.1 Setting up the project in your local machine

Ensure that you have JDK 11 or above installed on your computer.

First, fork this repo, and clone a copy to your computer by using any Git client.

If you plan to use IntelliJ IDEA (highly recommended):

  1. Ensure IntelliJ is configured to use JDK 11.
    • Start up IntelliJ into the welcome page.
    • Click on Configure -> Structure for New Projects -> Project Settings -> Project.
    • Under the Project SDK: section, ensure that the correct SDK (java version "11.0.8" or higher) is selected.
  2. Import the project as a Gradle project.
    • At the same welcome page, click on Open or Import.
    • Navigate to the folder where you cloned the repo, locate the build.gradle file within the folder and select it.
    • Choose the Open as Project option when asked.
    • The project may take a couple of minutes to import depending on your actual computer hardware setup.
  3. Verify the setup.
    • Under the seedu.modtracker package, locate the ModTracker class and run it.
    • Try a few commands. You may want to refer to the user guide.
    • Run the tests to ensure they all pass.

2.2 Before writing the code

  1. Configure the coding style

    • If using IntelliJ IDEA, follow this guide to set up IDEA's coding style to match ours.
  2. Set up CI

    • This project comes with a GitHub Actions config files (in .github/workflows folder). When GitHub detects those files, it will run the CI for the project automatically at each push to the master branch or to any PR. No setup is required for this.
  3. Learn the design

    • When you are ready to start coding, we recommend that you look at ModTracker's architecture to get some sense of the overall design.

3. Design

3.1 Architecture

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App. Given below is a quick overview of each component.

The Main component is the main entry point for the ModTracker application. It contains the main, loadData, run, startAndGetName and runCommandLoopUntilExitCommand methods. The methods are responsible for:

The rest of the app consists of 4 components:

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user types the command addmod CS2113T.

Figure 2. Component interactions for addmod CS2113T command

3.2 UI component

UI consists of a UI class that is responsible for dealing with user interaction.

The UI component,

3.3 Parser component

The Parser component,

3.4 Model component

Figure 3. Structure of the Model Component

The Model,

3.5 Storage component

The Storage component,

4. Implementation

This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are being implemented.

4.1 Store Data

The storage feature saves the data of the user so that the ModTracker application continues from where the user left off the previous time.

Current Implementation

The Storage class facilitates the data saving and loading mechanism. The constructor Storage(filePath) accepts a String which is the file path to an external file. This external file stores the user's data locally.

Inside the external file, it stores the name of the user followed by any valid inputs which modifies the data. The format of the data inside the external file is as follows:

valid user input 1
valid user input 2
valid user input 3

When the user runs the program again, the program will first load data from the external file. The Parser class then parses these data before the program prompts the user for input.

Given below is an example usage scenario, showing the 2 different times when a user starts the application.

First Use

The user launches the application for the first time.

  1. ModTracker creates a new Storage object with file path at data/modtracker.txt.

  2. The newly created Storage object checks that there is no file at the specified file path, and creates a new file there.

  3. The program prompts the user to input his/ her name.

  4. The Storage object writes this username into the external file.

  5. The program prompts the user for further inputs.

  6. The user enters help, and the program displays the help message. Since this command does not modify the data, the external file remains unchanged.

  7. The user enters addmod CS1010 10, and the program adds the new module correspondingly. Since this is a valid command which modifies the data, the Storage object appends addmod CS1010 10 to the external file.

  8. The user enters exit, and the program terminates.

Subsequent Use

The same user starts the application again (on the same device as the first use).

  1. ModTracker creates a new Storage object with the same specified file path at data/modtracker.txt.

  2. The Storage object checks that the file at data/modtracker.txt exists, and reads the first line of the file to obtain the user's name.

  3. The Storage object passes the username to ModTracker, which calls Ui to greet the user.

  4. ModTracker then obtains the remaining lines in the file via Storage, and passes it to Parser to load the data into ModuleList and TaskList.

  5. The program prompts the user for further inputs, and it continues as per normal, with the data loaded.

The following sequence diagram shows how the storage feature works, with a focus on how it obtains the username:

Storage Sequence Diagram
Figure 4. Sequence Diagram of Storage feature

Design Considerations

4.2 Add Module

Current Implementation

The add module feature will implement the checks of the module code input by the user through the following operations:

checkIfModuleValid() – Checks if the module code starts with 2 - 3 characters, followed by 4 digits, followed by an optional character.

checkIfModuleExist() – Checks if the module already exists in the list of modules

If the module code is valid and does not exist, the add module feature will proceed to create the module and adds it to the list of modules.

NOTE: A module is identfied by its module code

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes addmod CS2113T command for the first time.

Figure 5. Activity Diagram of Add Module feature

Given below is a detailed explanation on how the add module mechanism behaves at each step.

  1. The user launches the application for the first time and hence, the list of modules is empty. The user types in a command: addmod CS2113T.

  2. The parser class makes sense of the user input and calls the addMod() function in ModuleList class.

  3. Within the addMod() function, it will first check if the module code is valid by calling checkIfModuleValid() function. The checkIfModuleValid() function will return true if the module code is valid, and return false otherwise. If checkIfModuleValid() function returns true, proceed to step 4.

  4. Within the addmod function, it will then check if the module already exists in the list of modules by calling checkIfModuleExist() function. The checkIfModuleExist() function will return true if the module already exists in the modlist, and false otherwise. If checkIfModuleValid() function returns true, proceed to step 5.

  5. A new module with module code "CS2113T” is created by calling the constructor of Module class.

  6. The newly created module is added to the list of modules.

  7. The printAdd() function of the Ui class is called, displaying “CS2113T is added.” to the user.

  8. The newly created module is saved to storage.

The following sequence diagram shows how the addmod CS2113T command works.


Figure 6. Sequence Diagram of Add Module feature

Design Considerations

Aspect: Checking existence of module by checkIfModuleExist() within addmod() function

4.3 Add Time

The add time feature edits the actual workload for a specific module as indicated by the user. This is done by adding time spent on the module. The actual workload is broken down into academic weeks and hours spent in the respective academic weeks.

Current Implementation

The feature will implement the same checks as the add module feature as shown earlier.

The feature will also implement two additional checks namely:

checkIfTimeValid - checks if the time input is valid. For instance, the time input cannot have alphabets neither can it be too large.

checkIfWeekValid - checks if the week input is valid. For instance, the week input cannot be more than two digits or contain alphabets.

doesTimeExceed99 - checks if the time the user wishes to add will cause the total time to exceed 99 hours.

If the module code is valid and exists the add time feature will proceed to add time from the module as indicated by the user.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the add time command behaves at each step.

NOTE: The first number is the hours spent in that week. The second number is the academic week that is being updated.

  1. The user launches the application and does all required steps to add a module with module code CS2113T to a list of modules. This is done by inputting the command addmod CS2113T.

  2. The user now types in a command: addtime CS2113T 2 4. This calls the addtime command from Parser. Parser then calls the addTime() method in ModuleList and passes CS2113T,2 and 4 as parameters into the method.

  3. Within the addTime() function, it will first check if the module code is valid by calling checkIfModuleValid() function. If the module code is valid, the checkIfModuleValid() function will return true.

  4. Within the addTime() function, it will check if the module exists in the module list storage by calling checkIfModuleExist() function. If the module does exist, the checkIfModuleExist() function will return true.

  5. Within the addTime() function, it will check if the time input is valid by calling checkIfTimeValid() function. If the time input is valid, the checkIfTimeValid() function will return true.

  6. Within the addTime() function, it will check if the week input is valid by calling checkIfWeekValid() function. If the week input is valid, the checkIfWeekValid() function will return true.

  7. Within the addTime() function, it will check if the hours the user wishes to add will cause the total time to exceed 99 hours by calling the doesTimeExceed99() function. If the time does exceed 99, the doesTimeExceed99() function will return true.

  8. A time of 2 hours in academic week 4 is added to the actual workload of the CS2113T module.

  9. The system will print the output string 2 hours have been added to CS2113T

  10. The actual workload gets updated in storage.

The following sequence diagram illustrates what happens when a user executes addTime CS2113T 2 4.


Figure 7. Sequence Diagram of Add Time feature

Design Considerations

4.4 Minus Time

The minus time feature edits the actual workload for a specific module as indicated by the user. This is done by removing time spent on the module. The actual workload is broken down into academic weeks and hours spent in the respective academic weeks. This feature is the opposite of the add time feature.

Current Implementation

The feature will implement the same checks as the add time feature as shown earlier in section 4.3.

As the command now is minus time, there would be two additional checks implemented.

doesActualTimeExist() - checks if the module code has existing actual workload stored to it.

doesHoursExceedTotal() - checks if the hours the user wishes to remove exceed the total hours in the actual workload.

If the module code is valid, exists and has an actual workload the minus time feature will proceed to minus time from the module as indicated by the user.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the minus time command behaves at each step.

NOTE: The first number is the hours spent in that week. The second number is the academic week that is being updated.

  1. The user launches the application and does all the required steps to add a module with module code CS2113T to a list of modules. This is done by input of the command addmod CS2113T.

  2. The user then does all the required steps to add 2 hours of time spent in academic week 4 on CS2113T. This is done by input of the command addtime CS2113T 2 4.

  3. The user now types in a command: minustime CS2113T 2 4. This calls the minustime command from Parser. Parser then calls the minusTime() method in ModuleList and passes CS2113T,2 and 4 as parameters into the method.

  4. Within the minusTime() function, it will first check if the module code is valid by calling checkIfModuleValid() function. If the module code is valid, checkIfModuleValid() function will return true.

  5. Within the minusTime() function, it will check if the module exists in the module list storage by calling checkIfModuleExist() function. If the module does exist, the checkIfModuleExist() function will return true.

  6. Within the minusTime() function, it will also check if the time input is valid by calling checkIfTimeValid() function. If the time input is valid, the checkIfTimeValid() function will return true.

  7. Within the minusTime() function, it will subsequently check if the week input is valid by calling checkIfWeekValid() function. If the week input is valid, the checkIfWeekValid() function will return true.

  8. Within the minusTime() function, it will then check if there is an existing actual workload for this module by calling the doesActualTimeExist() function. If the module has an existing workload, the doesActualTimeExist() function will return true.

  9. Within the minusTime() function, it will lastly check if the hours the user wish to remove is more than the existing hours by calling the doesHoursExceedTotal() function. If the module has an existing workload, the doesHoursExceedTotal() function will return true.

  10. A time of 2 hours in academic week 4 will be removed from the actual workload of the CS2113T module.

  11. The system will print the output string 2 hours have been removed from CS2113T

  12. The actual workload gets updated in storage.

The following sequence diagram illustrates what happens when a user executes minusTime CS2113T 2 4.


Figure 8. Sequence Diagram of Minus Time feature

Design Considerations

4.5 Edit Time

The edit time feature edits the actual workload for a specific module as indicated by the user. This is done by replacing the time spent on the module. The actual workload is broken down into academic weeks and hours spent in the respective academic weeks.

Current Implementation

The feature will implement the same checks as the add time module feature as shown earlier in section 4.3.

If the module code is valid and exists the edit time feature will proceed to edit the time from the module as indicated by the user.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the edit time command behaves at each step.

NOTE: The first number is the hours spent in that week. The second number is the academic week that is being updated.

  1. The user launches the application and does all the required steps to add a module with module code CS2113T to a list of modules. This is done by input of the command addmod CS2113T.

  2. The user now types in a command: edittime CS2113T 2 4. This calls the edittime command from Parser. Parser then calls the editTime() method in ModuleList and passes CS2113T,2 and 4 as parameters into the method.

  3. Within the editTime() function, it will first check if the module code is valid by calling checkIfModuleValid() function. If the module code is valid, checkIfModuleValid() function will return true.

  4. Within the editTime() function, it will subsequently check if the module exists in the module list storage by calling checkIfModuleExist() function. If the module does exist, the checkIfModuleExist() function will return true.

  5. Within the editTime() function, it will next check if the time input is valid by calling checkIfTimeValid() function. If the time input is valid, the checkIfTimeValid() function will return true.

  6. Within the editTime() function, it will lastly check if the week input is valid by calling checkIfWeekValid() function. If the week input is valid, the checkIfWeekValid() function will return true.

  7. A time of 2 hours in academic week 4 will be the new actual workload of the CS2113T module.

  8. The system will print the output string 2 hours have been added to CS2113T 2 hours have been spent on this module in week 4

  9. The actual workload gets updated in storage.

Design Considerations

4.6 View modules

Current Implementation

The view module command allows the user to view all the modules taken, the respective time spent and expected module workload at a glance. It prints weekNumber,moduleCode, expectedWorkload and actualWorkload in the specified week for all the modules taken in a table format.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the view module command behaves at each step.

  1. User calls the view module command from the Parser. Parser then calls the printTable() method in Ui. printTable() then instantiates ModView class and calls the printAllModuleInformation() method from the ModView class.

  2. User input is subjected to validateInputs() to verify that both of the following conditions are satisfied.

If any of the above conditions is not satisfied, an error message will be printed and printAllModuleInformation() terminates.

  1. A method getMaxModuleLength() will be called to find out the maximum length of module code of modules taken. This is to facilitate the resizing of the printed table.

  2. updateTemplates() then updates the table templates such as border, header and contents are updated accordingly based on the output of getMaxModuleLength().

  3. For each Module in modList, updateContent() will be called to update the contents to be printed.

The following sequence diagram shows how the view module command works.

Figure 9. Sequence Diagram of View Module feature

4.7 Breakdown and Analysis

Current Implementation

The analysis command allows the user to view the breakdown of the total time spent in the week across all modules and provides a simple analysis of how they are doing.

  1. User calls the view module command from the Parser. Parser then calls the printBreakdownAnalysis() method in Ui. printBreakdownAnalysis() then instantiates ViewTimeBreakdownAnalysis class. and calls the printTimeBreakdownAndAnalysis() method.

  2. The user input is subjected to validateInputs() to verify that both of the following conditions are satisfied.

    • weekNumber is an integer between 1 and 13 inclusive.
    • modlist in list is not empty.

    If any of the above conditions is not satisfied, an error message will be printed and printTimeBreakdownAndAnalysis() terminates.

  3. printTime() method in printTimeBreakdownAndAnalysis() is first called. For each Module in modList, printTime() prints actualWorkload and expectedWorkload in form of a horizontal bar graph. The existence of the desired data is checked using doesActualTimeExist() and doesExpectedTimeExist() methods of the Module class. If the desired data does not exist, a NO INPUT will be printed.

  4. printBreakdown() then calculates the total time spent by the user on the modules taken in the specified week. It then prints out actualTime of each Module as a percentage of totalTimeSpent. If there is no input, a NO INPUT message will be printed. printBreakdown() return TRUE if there exists a Module that has a valid input, else False is returned.

  5. If output of printBreakdown() is True, printAnalysis() will be called. computeAnalysisOfTimeSpent() is called to determine the outcome of the analysis. A message will be printed depending on the output of the analysis.

The following sequence diagram shows how the analysis command works.

Figure 10. Sequence Diagram of Analysis feature

Design Considerations

4.8 Add Task

The add task feature allows user to add a task under an existing module.

Current Implementation

The addtask command is executed by the parse method in the Parser class, which then calls the addTask method in the TaskList class. The addTask method performs all the necessary logic for the add task feature.

Given below is an example usage scenario.

  1. The user input the addtask command and the parse method in Parser parses the command.
  2. parse calls the addTask method in TaskList.
  3. The addTask method splits the user input into 3 sections:
    • Section 1: command
    • Section 2: module code
    • Section 3: task description
  4. The addTask method calls the checkIfModuleValid method in ModuleList class to check if Section 2 is a valid module code.
    • If module code is not valid, the addTask method will return and Ui will prompt the user to enter a valid module code.
    • Else if module code is valid, the addTask method will execute the next step.
  5. The addTask method calls the checkIfModuleExist method to check if Secion 2 (module code) exists in the database.
    • If module code does not exist in the database, the addTask method will return and Ui will prompt the user to execute the addmod or addexp command first.
    • Else if module code exists, the addTask method will execute the next step.
  6. The addTask method will create a new Task object by the constructor in Task class, with Section 3 (task description).
  7. The addTask method adds the Task object to the array list tasks.

Figure 11. Sequence Diagram of Add Task feature

Design Considerations

Future Implementation

A future implementation requires user to enter the expected time required to complete the task, and the week number. The addTask method will split the user input into 5 sections, with Section 4 as the expected time required to complete the task and Section 5 as the week number. Section 4 and Section 5 will then be used in the future implementation of mark task as done feature, as further illustrated in the mark task as done section.

4.9 Mark Task as Done

The mark task as done feature allows user to mark an existing task as done.

Current Implementation

The done command is executed by the parse method in the Parser class, which then calls the setDone method in the TaskList class. The setDone method performs all the necessary logic for the mark task as done feature.

Given below is an example usage scenario.

  1. The user input the done command and the parse method in Parser parses the command.
  2. parse calls the setDone method in TaskList.
  3. The setDone method splits the user input into 2 sections:
    • Section 1: command
    • Section 2: task number corresponding to the index of Task object in array list tasks
  4. The setDone method will check if the array list tasks is empty.
    • If array list is empty, Ui will notify the user that there is no Task to mark as done.
    • Else if array list is not empty, setDone method will execute the next step.
  5. The setDone method will check the validity of Section 2 (task number).
    • If task number is not an integer, an exception will be thrown and the setDone method terminates.
    • If task number is out of bounds, Ui will prompt the user to enter a valid task number.
    • Else if task number is valid, setDone method will execute the next step.
  6. The setDone method will then call the setAsDone method in Task class to mark the Task corresponding to Section 2 (task number) as done.


Figure 12. Sequence Diagram of Complete Task feature

Design Considerations

Future Implementation

  1. When the Task is set as done, the setDone method will call the addTime method in ModuleList class to add the expected time required to complete the task to the actual time spent on the module.
    • This future implementation requires Section 4 (expected time required to complete the task) and Section 5 (week number) from the future implementation of the addTask method to be passed as a parameter to the setDone method and then to the addTime method.

5. Documentation, Logging, Testing, Dev-Ops

6. Appendix: Requirements

6.1 Product Scope

Target User Profile

NUS students

Value Proposition

6.2 User Stories

Version As a ... I want to ... So that I can ...
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 student input my modules keep track of modules that I am taking
v1.0 student input the expected module workload keep track of the recommended time I should spend on the module
v1.0 busy student view breakdown of my time spent on each module pinpoint in detail where i spend most of time on
v1.0 student input the actual time spent on each module keep track of the actual time I spent
v1.0 careless user edit the data easily correct any mistakes I inputted wrongly
v1.0 user save my data permanently save the trouble of re-entering my data everytime I start the app
v2.0 user of ModTracker add tasks related to a module know what are the outstanding tasks for each module
v2.0 user save tasks related to a module be reminded of what tasks I have to do
v2.0 user save my username I don't have to re-enter it every time
v2.0 user manage the task list use the app as a planner
v2.0 busy user receive notifications know immediately which modules I am spending too little or too much time on

6.3 Use Cases

For all use cases below, the System is the ModTracker and the Actor is the User, unless specified otherwise.

Use case: UC1 - Add module

  1. User requests to add a module
  2. System prompts user to enter a module code
  3. User enters a module code
  4. System adds module to the database
    Use case ends

Use case: UC2 - View analysis of time spent

  1. User requests to view analysis of time spent
  2. System prompts user to enter a week number
  3. User enters a week number
  4. System displays analysis of time spent to user
    Use case ends

Use case: UC3 - Open notifications

  1. User requests to open notifications
  2. System displays notifications
    Use case ends

6.4 Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as they have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. The commands should be short and succinct such that a user with average typing speed should be able to accomplish the tasks faster than using a regular GUI app.

6.5 Glossary

7. Appendix: Instructions for Manual Testing

Given below are the instructions to test the app manually.

Initial Launch

  1. Initial launch
    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder
    2. Double-click the jar file
      Expected: A folder called data will be created and in the folder there will be a file named modtracker.txt.


  1. Add module function addmod

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. Empty list.
    2. Test case: addmod CS1231
      Expected: CS1231 will be added to the module list.
    3. Test case: addmod CS1231
      Expected: Error message will be shown. CS1231 will not be added as as it is already in the module list.
    4. Test case: addmod CS111
      Expected: Error message will be shown. CS111 will not be added as it falls of the minimum module length.
    5. Test case: addmod CS1111111
      Expected: Error message will be shown. CS1111111 will not be added as it exceeds the minimum module length.
    6. Test case: addmod
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a module code.
  2. Add expected module workload function: addexp

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains only one module CS1231 with an expected workload of 5 hours.
    2. Test case: addexp CS2113T 3
      Expected: CS2113T will be added to the module list and has an expected workload of 3 hours.
    3. Test case: addexp CS1231 8
      Expected: Expected workload of CS1231 will be changed to 8 H instead of 5 H.
    4. Test case: addexp CS1231 -6
      Expected: Error message will be shown. Expected workload should not be negative.
    5. Test case: addexp CS1231
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter an expected workload.
    6. Test case: addexp
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a module code and an expected workload.
  3. Add actual time spent function addtime

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains only one module CS1231.
    2. Test case: addtime CS1231 2 4
      Expected: 2 H will be added to CS1231 in week 4.
    3. Test case: addtime CS1010 2 4
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted that the specified module not exist in the module list.
    4. Test case: addtime CS1231 2
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a week number.
    5. Other incorrect addtime commands to try addtime CS1231,addtime CS1231 2 s t etc. Expected: Similar to previous.
    6. Test case: addtime CS1231 2 14
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a valid week number between 1 and 13 inclusive.
    7. Other incorrect addtime commands to try addtime CS1231 3 X where X <=0 or X>= 14.
      Expected: Similar to previous.
  4. Minus from actual time spent function: minus

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains only one module CS1231. CS1231 has no input for actual time for all the weeks.
    2. Test case: minus CS1231 2 4
      Expected: 2 H will be subtracted from CS1231 in week 4.
    3. Test case: minus CS1010 2 4
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted that the specified module not exist in the module list.
    4. Test case: minus CS1231 2
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a week number.
    5. Other incorrect addtime commands to try minus CS1231,minus CS1231 2 s t etc.
      Expected: Similar to previous.
    6. Test case: minus CS1231 2 14 Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a valid week number between 1 and 13 inclusive.
    7. Other incorrect addtime commands to try addtime CS1231 3 X where X <= 0 or X >= 14.
      Expected: Similar to previous.
    8. Test case: minus CS1231 8 7
      Expected: User will be prompted that there is not input for the specified week so time cannot be subtracted from that week.
  5. Analyse actual time spent function: analyse

    1. Prerequisite: List all modules using list command. List contains at least one module.
    2. Test case: analyse 3
      Expected: Analysis of time spent on the modules in the specified week will be displayed.
    3. Test case: analyse 0
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a valid week number between 1 and 13 inclusive.
    4. Other incorrect analysis commands analyse 0, analyse x where X <= 0 or X >= 14.
      Expected: Similar to previous.
    5. Prerequisite: List all modules using list command. List is empty.
    6. Test case: analyse x for all numeric values of x
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted that module list is empty.
  6. Delete module function: deletemod

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains a module CS1231.
    2. Test case: deletemod CS1010
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted that CS1010 is not does not exist in the database.
    3. Test case: deletemod CS1231
      Expected: CS1231 and all related tasks would be removed from the database.
    4. Test case: deletemod C1213
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a valid module code.
    5. Other incorrect delete module commands to try deletemod C1, deletemod CS12345678 or any other invalid module codes.
      Expected: Similar to previous.
  7. Delete expected module workload function: deleteexp

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains a module CS1231.
    2. Test case: deletexp CS1010
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted that CS1010 does not exist in the database.
    3. Test case: delete CS1231
      Expected: Expected workload of CS1231 will be removed from the database.
    4. Test case: deleteexp C1213
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a valid module code.
    5. Other incorrect delete module commands to try deleteexp C1, deleteexp CS12345678 or any other invalid module codes.
      Expected: Similar to previous.
  8. Delete actual time spent function: deletetime

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains a module CS1231. CS1231 has valid actual time spent for week 1 to 13.
    2. Test case: deletetime CS1231 7
      Expected: Actual time spent on CS1231 in week 7 will be deleted.
    3. Test case: deletetime
      Expected Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a valid module code and week number.
    4. Test case: deletetime CS1231
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a valid week number.
  9. Add tasks function: addtask

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains a module CS1231.
    2. Test case: addtask CS1010
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted that CS1010 does not exist.
    3. Test case: addtask
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a valid module code and week number.
    4. Test case: addtask CS1231
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a task description.
    5. Test case: addtask CS1231 do homework
      Expected: do homework task will be added to the tasklist of CS1231.
  10. Mark task as done function: done

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains a module CS1231. CS1231 has 2 tasks attached to it, do homework and revise for exam.
    2. Test case: done 1
      Expected: Task number 1, do homework will be marked as done.
    3. Test case: done 8
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a task number between 1 and total number of tasks (2 in this case).
    4. Other incorrect done commands to try done 0 done x where x<0 or x> total number of task
      Expected: Similar to previous.
  11. Delete task function: deletetask

    1. Prerequisites: List all modules using list command. List contains a module CS1231. CS1231 has 2 tasks attached to it, do homework and revise for exam.
    2. Test case: deletetask 1
      Expected: Task number 1, do homework will be deleted.
    3. Test case: deletetask 8
      Expected: Error message will be shown. User will be prompted to enter a task number between 1 and total number of tasks (1 in this case).
    4. Other incorrect done commands to try deletetask 0 deletetask x where x<0 or x> total number of task
      Expected: Similar to previous.

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